Friday, July 29, 2016

Top 5 Albums

I am in a little bit of a music phase right now.
The girls were just visiting so we had a Taylor Swift marathon.  The girls were dancing and singing at the top of their lungs and we had the music cranked up almost to max.  The girls had made magic wands with ribbons and washi tape that they could twirl around as they were dancing.  Marty went in the other room- he kept telling us to turn it down and that made us crank it up.  We told him just to go to the other room.

I have told you we are going to the Desert Trip in the Fall.  To say that I am excited is an understatement.  I actually started looking at the Lyrics from the artists that are performing so you might get a little sick of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, C,S,N and Y, The Who, Bob Dylan and Roger Waters.

We were listening to one of the Syrius channels recently and the DJ (do we still call them a DJ?) was talking about her favorite five albums of all time.  It made me think really hard- how do you choose you top albums of your lifetime or of all time??

It might be obvious but I have to choose a couple of Beatles- My top two would be Rubber Soul and Abbey Road.  We were at lunch in the spring  and there was a musician that played “I’ve Just Seen a Face”.  My DIL did not know that song,  I said it’s on Rubber Soul- She said what is Rubber Soul?  I was a little scared but of course I told her all about Rubber Soul right away.

Then I picked one of my favorite albums from college, Tapestry by Carole King.  Every song is a great one. 

Now it gets harder, just two to go.  Déjà vu- Crosby, Stills,  Nash and Young.  Reminds me of spring break,  freshman year of college.  I think we played it all the way to our destination and all the way back.  Hila- do you remember??

Okay,  one to go- now it is really hard,  do I pick the obvious- like Thriller, Eagles Hell Freezes Over, Beach Boys Pet Sounds??? I pick Hell Freezes Over.  We were at dinner with friends talking about music and favorite albums and I said Hell Freezes Over.  Our friend  told me that choosing an album that is kind of a Greatest Hits album is cheating.  So I guess I am cheating!

My Top Five:
1.        Rubber Soul- The Beatles
2.       Abbey Road- The Beatles
3.       Tapestry-Carole King
4.       Déjà vu-Crosby, Stills and Nash
5.       Hell Freezes Over- The Eagles

What is in your Top Five.? Ask your kids, see if they have been influenced by your music.  Talk about the albums with friends – it is a really lively conversation topic.

Here are a few factiods to help you.  I have looked up the top albums of all time.  There is a bit of controversy on if it is The Eagles Greatest Hits or Michael Jackson's Thriller.  I am combining two lists and here are other top selling albums:
Led Zeppelin IV
Pink Floyd- The Wall and The Dark Side of the Moon
AC/DC-Back in Black
Billy Joel- Greatest Hits
Whitney Houston- The Bodyguard
Garth Brooks-Double Live
Shania Twain-Come On Over
Fleetwood Mac- Rumours

Can you name the top selling group and artists of all time????
1.  THE BEATLES- by a landslide
2.  Elvis
3.  Michael Jackson
4.  Madonna
5.  Elton John
6.  Garth Brooks
7.  Led Zeppelin
8.  Eagles
9.  Mariah Carey
10.  Celine Dion

Do you notice how there are not any current artists on this list????
This is NOT my list.  I do not even like a few of these artists.

"I've just seen a face I can't forget the  time or place ,
where we just met,
she's just a girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met"...........The Beatles, Rubber Soul, US version.

Keep singing and you might want to play a Beatles song or two,  They have held up pretty well to the test of time.

Coming soon:
How Long til Fall?
California Dreamin'
Catalog Obsessions

Love, Ya-Ya

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