Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Digging the moat for the water to keep the sand wet and moldable.

A visit to the beach would be incomplete without the building of a sand sculpture of some sort.  One day we built a sand camel. Then another day it started as a giraffe and ended as a dinosaur/giraffe/camel.  A huge sculpture attracts a lot of visitors to your little beach area.  

The girls are very serious about their sand building.
Serious sand castle building
Hours of building a sand creation
Collecting water for the dinosaur, giraffe, camel sand creation
This is the camel.  Always a moat around the structure. Mostly sculpted by Mommy.  We think Mommy has found a second career as a sand sculptor.

Back and forth to the water 100 times at least
Water does not always make it into the moat
Notice the beginning of the creation. At the top of the photo, like Frozen.  The sand balls were credited to a little help from Daddy.
This is a dinosaur, giraffe, camel creation  It really was amazing.  Worked on for four hours.  Note the head in the moat getting a drink of water.  Most of the sculpting was done by Mommy.  The digging by the girls and Daddy.  Ya-Ya is the photographer.  And Pop-Pop was the observer.

Digging a moat is very hard work.  The girls loved it.

I was blown away by the youngest of my Granddaughters.  I have told you about the "Family PlayList" and we had it playing on a speaker on the beach.  "Hello I Love You" came up on the speaker.  I said "who sings this"?  The five year old said "The Doors"  Really- I couldn't believe it.  Just goes to show that they are taking in everything that we tell them.  Later that day we were getting ready to go to dinner and she had my I Pod Shuffle on her headphones.  Billy Joel's "Piano Man" came up and she was telling me how much she loved that song.  I asked her when it was popular and she said the 80's.  I thought the 70's but we had to look it up.  It was 1973.  I imagine that she memorized that factoid for a Trivial Pursuit challenge somewhere in her future.
Your children are watching you......

I asked the girls at the end of their visit about their favorite thing.  One said everything.  Not really an answer.  The other one said picking up shells and body surfing.  Not an attraction on the list.

Remember that they are taking it all in.  Hug them a little more today.    

"Hello I Love you, won't you tell me your name,

Hello I Love you, let me jump in your game"

Hello I Love you......the Doors.

Coming Soon:

  • Mermaid Party
  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road
  • The Birthday Club
  • Broadways Favorites
  • The First Day of School
  • Best concerts
  • Bucket List
Love, Ya-Ya

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